vendredi 27 mai 2011

AIX - NIM - Séquence bootp

This is the initial communication made between the NIM master and client during a boot or bosinst operation. In order for this to be successful several factors must be met :

   1. - bootpd must be running on the NIM master
   2. - the NIM client and master must have correct ip information about each other
   3. - the /etc/bootptab must be populated correctly
   4. - If the master and client systems are on separate networks, the router must be set to forward bootp packets.

There are other causes of failure, but checking/verifying those 4 will solve most bootp issues.

Tftp (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
When the NIM client has been rebooted for a boot or bos_inst operation you don’t have access to normal TCP communication. Once bootp connection has successfully been achieved, the NIM master uses tftp to transfer over the <clientname>.info file and the boot image to the client.

Quand ça ne marche pas

lssrc -t bootps doit être actif
regarder les processes bootps et tftpd
fichier /etc/inetd.conf :

tftp     dgram  udp6    SRC     nobody  /usr/sbin/tftpd         tftpd -n
bootps  dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/bootpd       bootpd /etc/bootptab

BID Ressource de forme script qui permet de customiser les installations par machine.

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